
Flipgrid is a tool that allows you to create grids to facilitate video discussions. In each grid, teachers can post questions or some assignments for their students, and these are called Topics. Then, students can post video responses. These grids can be shared with students or even with some other teachers' grids for collaborative learning. 

After signing up, teachers can create new Topics for students. They can arrange the amount of time that the videos should be(2-3 minutes or more).  Teachers can keep this grid special by allowing only the users with school's e-mail address. 

It's a great tool to use in online education. Online education seems boring for students mos of the time. Ensuring an interactive lesson is teachers' hands. Users can upload and edit video, add more clips, cut and segment as well as enhance with emojis and texts. So, essentially, a simple video editing tool can produce a powerful result, depending on how creative you want to be!    

Flipgrid can make students more interactive, creative and expressive. Teachers, with the help of Flipgrid, can listen to even the students who don't talk much in the classroom. Flipgrid is a great tool for foreign language education too. Students can find opportunities to talk in the target language when they need to post a video on grids.       



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