
Socrative is a tool that allows you to create some simple quizzes. It's a cloud based student respond system. Quizzes can be true/false, multiple choice, graded short answer or allow open-ended short responses. There’s also a gaming feature: the “Space Race” feature can set up a quiz so that teams of students can compete against one another to launch rockets into space.

After sharing the code with your students, students can start the test. You can also put a time limit. You can see who gave the correct and wrong answers.

On the menu, with the help of 'create new' button, you can start preparing a new quiz. Here, in this photo, I started preparing a quiz. I started with a multiple choice question and I can add a different type of question next. I can also add a photo related to my topic. 

You can prepare some quick quizzes about the unit and that day's topics. You can prepare vocabulary quizzes. As students can set the time according to them, and give feedbacks in any time, it is a very useful tool for any topic! 


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